Send a text message
Send a text message from your OpenPhone number to a recipient.
The text content of the message to be sent.
1 - 1600
The sender's phone number. Can be either your OpenPhone phone number ID or the full phone number in E.164 format.
Array of recipient phone numbers in E.164 format. Currently only supports one recipient.
A phone number in E.164 format, including the country code.
DEPRECATED, use "from" instead. OpenPhone phone number ID to send a message from
The unique identifier of the OpenPhone user sending the message. If not provided, defaults to the phone number owner.
Used to set the status of the related OpenPhone inbox conversation. The default behavior without setting this parameter will be for the message sent to show up as an open conversation in the user's inbox. Setting the parameter to 'done'
would move the conversation to the Done inbox view.
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